Happening Leadership
Happening in the Diocese of Florida is a ministry led by the Happening Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is a group of youth and adults who meet quarterly to prayerfully lead and guide Happening into the future. Past Happeners of any age are encouraged to apply and help keep Happening a thriving ministry in the Diocese of Florida.
Steering Committee
2024 - 2025 Happening Steering Committee
Youth: Emme Hnath, Bella Sell, Zatie Venditti, Rhys Barrett, Felix Booth, Alex Brockwell, Murphy Bryant, Layla Cuason, Jackie Hagen, William Jackson, Andrew Lasserre, Sarah Magevney, Hannah Miller, David Rogers, Nick Spicer, Loretta Stephenson
Adults: Liz Collins, Fr. Chris Dell, Melissa Bryant, Dan Dallam, Penny Snider, Crissy Spicer, Ted Miller, & Brian Moody
2025-2026 Steering Committee Applications: Click Here
Committee members must be active in Happening and have demonstrated involvement by serving on team. Members must be active in the life and worship of an Episcopal church in the Diocese of Florida and must be confirmed/received. They must have completed Safeguarding God's Children within the last five years. Youth members must be attending both an Episcopal church and an Episcopal youth ministry (if available at their church). These applications are due April 13, 2025. Applicants are REQUIRED to attend the Steering Committee overnight meeting May 2-3, 2025 at Camp Weed. Please reach out to Liz Collins with questions.
Happening #154 Rector Application
Rector Application Link: Click Here
Happening #154 proposed weekend date is September 12-14, 2025
High School seniors that have worked at least 2 teams are invited to consider applying to serve as Rector in September, 2025. This position demands a large time commitment, so please consider your schedule and availability before applying. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Liz Collins at happeninglizc@gmail.com.
Rector #154 Applications are due Wednesday, February 19, 2025 by 11:59 pm.
Comitas Lock-In
Comitas is an overnight lock-in taking place in the Staff Cabin at Camp Weed. Two adult leaders and two college-aged young adult leaders supervise this event. It's a great evening of fun, faith, and fellowship.
Follow the signs that read “Comitas” down the service road, past the chicken coop, climbing wall, field, and cross, behind the haybarn and park in the dirt area outside of Staff Cabin at the bottom of the hill. Check in no later than 8:30pm. No meals will be provided on Saturday night, so have dinner prior to arriving. All participants are required to stay through closing. Participants will turn in keys, cell phones, and medication (if applicable) to the adult leaders upon arrival.
Cost for the lock-in begins at $40 which includes: supplies, 2 meals on Sunday (breakfast & lunch) and overnight accommodations.
For more information, contact:
Lay Director: Liz Collins
Spiritual Director: Fr. Chris Dell
Director of Youth Programs: Sam Marxsen

Quote about Happening